Printer Friendly Version Visit to MARTUR company in Bursa @ 14 March 2017 12:18 PM

Consul General Zoran Markovic, in Bursa on the 3rd of March, had long and comprehensive talks with director of MARTUR and members of the board of directors, Mr. Mufir Karademirler and his associates (directors of development), on potential investments in Serbia. MARTUR is one of 8 members of the holding, active in seat systems production for Fiat, Ford, Renault – Citroen, Toyota and Turkish Tobas.

Company employs 6000 people, out of which 1500 in factories in Romania, Russia and Algeria. Their main activity is seat production for large number of models of above mentioned brands, as well as car interiors (except for interior upholstery).

MARTUR intends to open a factory in Serbia, if FIAT starts producing new model in Kragujevac, since they are interested in cheap and good quality production. Their business policy is delivery of seats in 6 hours, to the factory where the final product in being assembled. Furthermore, they are interested in upholstery production and textile components, necessary for their factories in Russia (also in benefits arising from bilateral agreements between Russia and Serbia).